商品系列: 天然飽足飲料 |高纖維、低熱量且適合素食者
- 低卡路里:每份僅含11卡路里。
- 持續飽足感:可溶性纖維在胃中形成凝膠狀質地。
- 溫和配方:純素食、無麩質、不含人工添加物。
我們使用奈米分子編織技術來快速吸水並擴大 150 倍體積。這會在飯前在胃中形成物理屏障,自然地減少飢餓感並促進專心進食。經臨床測試,搭配均衡飲食可支持健康的體重管理
我們的配方將 7 種植物纖維(綠花椰菜、燕麥、柑橘等)與維生素和電解質結合。可溶性纖維可以減緩消化,觸發 GLP-1 等飽腹激素。搭配均衡飲食和運動,這會讓您在 4-6 小時內感到飽腹。
Satiety Drink and Your Workout Regime
Authoritative source: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (citing the benefits of dietary fiber)
Core Advantages
✅ 7 Plant-Based Fibers
✅ 4-6 Hours of Sustained fullness
✅ 11 Calories per Serving
✅ No Artificial Additives (Vegan & gluten-free)
✅ 4-6 Hours of Sustained fullness
✅ 11 Calories per Serving
✅ No Artificial Additives (Vegan & gluten-free)
Key Ingredients
- Soluble Fibers: Promote gut health and sustained fullness.
- Vitamins B1/B2: Support energy metabolism.
- Electrolytes: Maintain hydration balance during workouts.
How to Use It
"For best results:
- Mix 1 sachet with 150-200ml of room-temperature water
- Stir and consume 30 minutes before meals
- Drink within 30 seconds to experience rapid satiety
- Use 1-2 times daily as part of a balanced diet"
Post-Workout: Mix with water to replenish electrolytes and reduce hunger.
Office Snacks: Enjoy a refreshing citrus flavor to curb midday cravings.
Meal Replacement: Pair with a protein source for a balanced, low-calorie meal.
Office Snacks: Enjoy a refreshing citrus flavor to curb midday cravings.
Meal Replacement: Pair with a protein source for a balanced, low-calorie meal.
Customer Reviews
"I’ve tried many sustained fullness fullness, but this one is the only one that keeps me full and tastes great! The citrus flavor is refreshing, and I love that it’s vegan."
— Luna, Fitness Instructor
— Luna, Fitness Instructor
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